Posted on 07/04/2017

We are glad to announce that on 7th April the most important financial magazine in Europe, the “FINANCIAL TIMES”, published in its printed version and on its official website the list of the 1000 companies in Europe that have recorded the best development performance in the three-year period 2012-2015 in any commercial sector of our continent.

This important award - called "FT 1000 - Europe's Fastest Growing Companies" - was granted following a research study conducted on behalf of the Financial Times by STATISTA, a German rating company, which previously selected and contacted more than 50,000 businesses that had drawn attention to themselves based on documented data and data published by the Chambers of Commerce across Europe.

Growth rate, market penetration capability, stability and reliability were the criteria for the selection and final ranking of the 1,000 companies.
We are sincerely proud of the prestigious award we received since it is the result of the efforts we made in creating and organizing our project.

Special thanks go to all of our suppliers and customers, as well as to the team of consultants and professionals who helped us reach this first very important milestone in our industrial development.